Nagios Fee-based Support

Work Faster. Work Smarter.

If you have a problem, yes Amrut Sofftware will solve it. Check out the queue while our support team resolves it

Service Level Agreements

Incident and Problem Management

Resolution* (In Hours)
2 Hours

Severity Classification:
No workaround available. Business process is at stand still.

Resolution* (In Hours)
10 Hours

Severity Classification:
Workaround available. No direct impact on business process.

Resolution* (In Hours)
24 Hours

Severity Classification:
No impact on business or application.

* Working hours i.e. 10.30 am – 6.30 pm Monday to Friday except on government and declared holidays List of declared holidays will be provided for each year.

Contact or call 022 48971025 to purchase your Support & Maintenance today.