September 9, 2024

Combine Trello and Confluence and weave magic!

Combine Trello and Confluence and weave magic!

Trello-Confluence, a new marriage on the cards? This one is bound to work. Let’s take a quick glimpse into what both tools have to offer.

Confluence, true to its name, is one of Atlassian’s power tools, that brings to your fingertips a remote-friendly workspace for enhanced co-operation. Confluence gives wings to your vision by letting you create, collaborate and organize your ideas on one synchronized platform. A powerful project management tool, Confluence lets all players involved store files, paperwork, discussions on the same platform. Teams can quickly view progress, track and manage project updates and get organized faster for a smarter output delivery.

Trello, on the other hand is all about playing the right cards, like literally! Trello cards and boards are micro-management tools that fit in the vast jig-saw Confluence puzzle. Note your project ideas and stories onto your cards that can be shuffled between lists. Lists can be incorporated within each board too with time-line based titles like ‘To-Do’s’, ‘On Track’, ‘Completed’ etc. In short, Trello lets you bite-size your work and manage it using its boards, cards and other features.

Let’s synchronize both together!

Sync Trello cards with Confluence

Embed Trello boards and cards into your Confluence pages with ease. Provide task details, project progress to all members so that everyone is on the same page. Use smartlinks across both platforms for ease of data accessibility. You can copy-paste Trello link onto your Confluence interface and the inlink lets you view the card/board as also the list that it is a part of. Clicking on the link will take you directly to Trello where you can carry out further edits! Marriage is a two-way street, remember? Smartlinking works the other way around too. You can attach Confluence Cloud pages to Trello cards too and drill down content directly from a Trello card! See what who’s who of the project is up to and sweat in your own ideas to contribute to the larger vision.

Manage tasks and plan a project

You can keep all the knowledge base in Confluence and embed respective Trello cards onto each page. Just update your Trello card from within Confluence as the project advances and work on tasks using both tools. You also have the provision of editing your inlink on the Trello card by hovering over it. Or, just click on Preview to see the card and you can edit Trello content directly from Confluence. Point to be noted, whenever any edit is made in Trello on the Confluence interface, it is synced in both tools and you will see the updated info in real time.


Upon adding Trello cards to a Confluence page, the software continues to guard the permissions on the original card. The permission request process that follows is the exact same way as if you were working in Trello. For content that you do not have the permission to view, a note is displayed intimating you that you do not yet have the access to view it.


No need to get bogged down by the seeming complexity of it. Both platforms are super easy and collaborative. There is extensive help documentation available to assist you cruise through the process. All you need is a bit of time to get a hang of it.

End-to-end solution

Use Confluence to raise and detail a problem and bank on Trello to brainstorm solutions. Too many cooks do not always spoil the broth!

Encourage your team towards this fruitful collaboration so that you can create a seamless workflow. This not only enhances project management but also makes documentation, problem-solving, brainstorming and cross-referencing, super easy. Both tools work in perfect synergy and since there isn’t a complex onboarding process involved, just use your existing accounts and hop onto the bus!

Image Courtesy: Google